NSIR-RT Bulletin

Past Issues

SUMMER 2022Inaugural NSIR-RT Annual Report

SPRING 2022Radiation treatment for patients with implanted medical devices

WINTER 2022Update of pre-treatment quality control procedure

FALL 2021Using an audit and feedback system to improve the accuracy of events entered into the NSIR-RT

SUMMER 2021Working towards improved quality and safety in radiotherapy treatment planning processes

SPRING 2021The importance of Equipment Integrity used in Brachytherapy Treatments

WINTER 2021The Importance of confirming patient identification during procedural changes (COVID-19-focused Bulletin)

FALL 2020The “impact” of dosimetric impact

SUMMER 2020Error reporting in a time of pandemic

SPRING 2020Using volume trend analysis to reduce incident propagation

WINTER 2020Second Victim: Supporting staff involved in radiation treatment incidents

FALL 2019Learning from Incidents in the use of MRI in the RT Environment

SPRING 2019Appropriate Policies and Procedures Can Help Mitigate Incident Occurrence

WINTER 2019Commissioning and Configuring Checks of Software Systems by a Second Medical Physicist

FALL 2018The Potential Impact of Scheduling Delays in the Delivery of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy

SUMMER 2018Automation Bias in Radiation Treatment

SUMMER 2017NSIR-RT Pilot Evaluation Report

SPRING 2017NSIR-RT pilot: Using data to inform system improvement

SUMMER 2016How to Classify a Delay

FALL 2016 – Beyond BETA testing

NSIR-RT Safety Advisories

The National System of Incident Reporting – Radiation Treatment (NSIR-RT) is a tool developed by CIHI and CPQR allowing participating centres to report, track and analyze incidents from their local program, and anonymously from other Canadian centres.

Although CPQR reviews incident submissions to inform the radiation treatment community on important patterns and trends, and make recommendations to minimize or mitigate risk, incident submissions are not monitored for the purpose of identifying specific incidents warranting dissemination.

CPQR may respond to requests to disseminate safety advisories from provincial cancer agency leadership, where there may be action required by radiation treatment programs or the broader cancer community.

CPQR has made these safety advisories available online to encourage a culture of continuous quality improvement.

Reusable guide tubes for brachytherapy

Brachytherapy non-metallic intrauterine tandem break in patient