Patient Engagement

Engaging Our Patients

Making sure what we do matters


Patients and the Canadian public are the ultimate beneficiaries of safe and effective radiation treatment.  Recognizing the importance of involving patients and family members in its work, CPQR developed a broad and comprehensive strategy to ensure that this voice is heard and acknowledged at all levels of its governance and program development.  Well trained patient volunteers are included on the Steering Committee and each working group. In addition, in 2013 a Patient Engagement Working Group (PEWG) was established to develop the Patient Engagement Guidance for Canadian Radiation Treatment Programs (PEG) document, and to promote knowledge mobilization of patient engagement best practices across the country.

In June 2016, CPQR released Patient Engagement Guidance for Canadian Radiation Treatment Programs (PEG) at the Quality and Safety Summit in Halifax, NS.  The culmination of broad consultation with the radiation treatment community, patients and patient advocacy and education experts, PEG provides direction for programs looking to ensure the appropriate engagement of patients in direct care interactions and broad programmatic planning.

What will be done next

The guidelines are quickly gaining traction within the Canadian radiation treatment community.  Moving forward CPQR will work with partners to provide resources to help promote uptake and utilization. While it is our goal to provide guidance for best practices on the essential elements of patient education, it is also important to ensure long term sustainability through our partnerships. To further this goal, a revised and updated version of the PEG guidelines will be developed and released. Stay tuned for important updates!