The Canadian Big Radiotherapy Data Initiative 

The Canadian Big Radiotherapy Data Initiative

A common nomenclature is critical to big data analysis and was the focus of the AAPM TG 263 Report: Standardizing Nomenclatures in Radiation Oncology. As a first step towards the assessment of radiotherapy data, CPQR launched the Canadian Big Radiotherapy Data Initiative (CBRTDI). The initiative aimed to provide guidance on how to implement standardized nomenclature within RT programs and how to get prepared for pan-Canadian data sharing.

Standardized nomenclature across programs and provinces throughout Canada will help lay the foundation for implementing pan-Canadian collection and analysis of clinical and radiation treatment plans. This early work will make it easier to link big data – treatment plans and patient reported outcomes and understand the impact of treatment on patients.

Organization in Charge

In 2021, the CBRTDI was divested from CPQR to COMP. COMP is recognized for its collaboration with national stakeholders to develop guidelines that enhance the quality and safety of radiation treatment delivery. COMP’s role as the new steward of these guidelines will ensure they remain up-to-date and will drive uptake by the Canadian radiation treatment programs.

If you have any questions or concerns about the CBRTDI and related guidance, please contact COMP.


In March 2021, CPQR released a document entitled “Guidance on the use of common nomenclature in Canadian radiation treatment programs” with the goal of harmonizing community practice and improving quality performance and patient outcomes.